Why Choose a Mortgage Adviser?

Why choose a mortgage advisor

Working with a mortgage adviser not only puts you in the best possible position when it comes to applying for a home loan – particularly as a first home buyer – it also means you have access to a much greater selection of financial options, which means finding the right mortgage to fit your unique situation. But that’s not all. Read on to find out why it pays to work with a mortgage adviser when applying for a mortgage – be it owner-occupied or investment.

Help find the right mortgage

Because not all lenders offer the same home loan package, it can be challenging finding the right home loan for you. Even more so if you’re a first home buyer without any experience in dealing with lenders.

Mortgage advisers work with a panel of lenders – both bank and non-bank – so they have access to a variety of mortgage options and a clear understanding of which lenders are more likely to approve lending to certain buyers.

That not only saves you time in shopping around with different lenders, and potentially having your application declined, it also means you have more chance of success when you do submit a mortgage application.

Set you up for success

Working with a mortgage adviser is particularly helpful if you don’t meet banks’ lending criteria – those who are self-employed, first home buyers with a lower deposit, or home buyers requiring construction loans.

Mortgage advisers can help you prepare the paperwork that goes with your mortgage application, ensuring you tick the right boxes and have the right documentation in place, setting you up for a successful application.

Save you money

Because mortgage advisers shop around on your behalf and help you compare home loans, they’ll save you money and find the best deal available to you. In many instances, they’ve been able to secure a better financial solution compared to what clients would get by going directly to their bank.

What’s more, mortgage advisers are skilled at negotiating a better result, as they have first-hand knowledge of the current property market and the deals available through various lenders, so will work hard on your behalf to secure the best home loan available.

An expert on hand

Mortgage advisers work with a variety of clients. From first home buyers looking to access their KiwiSaver savings or other government home loan initiatives, to property investors using the equity in their existing property to grow a property portfolio.

A good mortgage adviser is an incredible asset in the home buying process as they’ll guide you through the property purchase from start to finish. They’re the person you’ll bounce ideas off or ask questions of, someone who understands your current financial situation and can help you plan for your financial future.

If you’d like to find out how choosing a Mortgage Express adviser could help you either get into the property market sooner or build on your existing property portfolio with a rental property or holiday home, contact our team today.

With mortgage advisers based around the country, we’ll have someone in your region who can answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.


While all care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, no warranty is given as to the accuracy of the information and no responsibility is taken by Mortgage Express Limited for any errors or omissions. This publication does not constitute personalised financial advice. It may not be relevant to individual circumstances. Nothing in this publication is, or should be taken as, an offer, invitation, or recommendation to buy, sell, or retain any investment in or make any deposit with any person. You should seek professional advice before taking any action in relation to the matters dealt within this publication.

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